Wednesday, September 28, 2005

September 28, 2005

There was a light wind this morning and the temperature was in the low 90's by noon. Then a cold front started pushing in from the North and the winds have been intense all afternoon. At this time it is only the front of the front and the temperature hasn't dropped a lot, but some. According to weather the temperature will be in the low 70's tomorrow with the possibility of precipitation tonight through tomorrow.

I haven't mowed the pond in two weeks and it looks ragged right now but I will get it done by the weekend.

Speaking of ragged, that is how the bird looks. It also looks like a different Bittern. Smaller. Maybe it was just tightened up against the wind.

My sister hasn't felt well and I try to visit her nearly every day. Last night she was completely bothered that she didn't have the energy to finish cleaning her house and she said, "it will take longer but we will get it finished because Camron is going to help me by cleaning his room." I was sitting in the hallway floor while I talked to her and when she said that, watched Camron go into the room that he uses, hop on the bed and turn on the television. We kept talking and I kept sitting there so I glanced at him occasionally. He never did anything but watch television. After about 15 minutes he turned off the television, got off of the bed, came back to her bedroom and said, "the room is spotless Grandma. You could eat off of the floor." Even though I didn't tell her what I saw, she knew, and we both laughed for a long time. He just looked confused and went off to do another good deed.