Thursday, September 22, 2005

First few minutes of Fall, 2005

Apparently Summer ended at about 4:30 PM, a little over an hour ago. What a hot day. The pond is about the only greenery for miles and is full of insects, but most of the Spring/Summer animals have moved on for the year. The Red-Winged Blackbirds have been gone for weeks. The pairs of Doves and groups of Quail left more recently, but are definitely gone. I still see Rabbits in the mornings and the Bittern never really leaves, but activity seems to be slowing down.

Another incredibly beautiful evening. Some of the Barn Swallows are still around and they seem to be hunting several hundred feet above the pond. Maybe they have something else going on when they hover, then dive, and then go back to hovering - sometimes just a few feet above the pond and sometimes much higher, but it looks like hunting for food. They are interesting shadows against the last of the light. The day sky was sort of pale blue but the sunset colors were very rich, and, I guess that forever I will be amazed that coolness comes in an instant. The change here is always noticable and I love sitting outside, waiting for it to happen.