Sunday, June 19, 2005


Father's Day. Another holiday which I have no connection to, but I'm sure it's a lot of fun. Very hot again. Apparently Bill's thermometer is legitimate and correct. Everyone else in the neighborhood got the same readings yesterday that he did. Oh well. It was 104 when I went outside a couple of hours ago but now it is 105. The good news is it is so dry it feels like 99. (How does that work?)

It is amazing what starting the water has done overnight. Today is a frenzy of activity for everything. As I walked by the herb bed I heard a noise like a remote control plane and when I focused, the plants are being swarmed by bees. My first thought was "Killer Bees?", but it probably doesn't really matter if they are. With half of the U.S. population of bees dead in the past two years and the rest dropping like flies, killer bees are better than no bees. These do have a different attitude than the ones I remember in the past. One was trying to crawl in Camron's soda can a few days ago and when I moved the can, it attacked us. I'll just keep a close watch. I'd hate to get the animal control swat team involved if these are just a group of normal bees trying to get by.

Several of the Doves are sitting under the sprinklers for long periods of time. At first I thought they were sick or injured, but they are getting relief from the heat. As I watched them I realized that all of the other birds are doing the same thing, just quicker.