Saturday, June 25, 2005

Saturday Afternoon

Very nice day. It's 5:30 PM and down to 91 degrees. I have most of the pond trimmed and am on the last sprinkler setting before I start all over again. I actually want it to be as perfect as possible when our sister gets here. She is the most remarkably productive person I have personally ever known and anything I do is amateur in comparison to the projects she completes. The least I can do is as much as I can get done.

I just tried to take some photos but the batteries in both cameras are gone so I'll just give a vivid description. The pond is constantly wet and the prairie is fading - Green surrounded by brown. The Tomato plants are at least 5' tall now. What a difference between having them climb and letting them grow unassisted. These are easier to weed and easier to - whatever else it is I do to them. The Eggplant blooms look like the blooms on a local plant that we have always called Devil claws. The seeds have a nut like flavor and we occasionally ate them when we were children. The Lilies that my sister got from her friend started to bloom today. They have an odd white and red color. The Doves are losing their timidity. The more often I am out there, the less concerned they are with me.

And finally, the Hummingbirds are abundant. I saw 10 or more around the large Bird of Paradise plant the other day and yesterday one hovered within inches of my face when I walked too close to the Trumpet vines. When I backed away she went back to feeding. These females are greenish and luminous and there are some coppered colored males that are beautiful.