Saturday, June 18, 2005


It's 4:15 MDT, and 104 degrees. This morning Bill and I got the pumps going so we can water from the bottom of the pond. The grass on the outer edges and sides of the berm has never really gotten started this year (we've been busy with other things) but a few weeks of watering from the pond will bring it back to life. The Morning Glory plants are also delayed because we haven't watered, but those catch up quickly. I've kept water going to every thing else.

I've spent most of the day outside working with the watering system, moving water lines, and using the weed eater, and knew it was hot but didn't really pay much attention. I just now came in for something to drink and to check on Kilo (she needs treats and attention throughout the day) and when I opened the door to go back out, I backed out and stayed in. That is some oppressive heat, and no wind.