Friday, June 17, 2005

Sorry, I'm just not in to what day it is

Camron and I spent the evening sort of milling around the pond. We tried skimming debris off of the pond surface, but that was too boring. He would like to use the weed-eater, but that could be too exciting. Then I understood that what he really wanted was for me to watch everything he did and listen to everything he was saying. The best compromise we found was when I weeded the garden while he taught me Kung Fu. I only had to look away for a second to find a weed and could spend most of my time watching him jump and tumble around the yard. He is a little uncoordinated in the legs but he has the hand moves down great. Finally he Kung Fued me out, and I had no choice but to trick him into going in the house to rest under the air conditioner for a minute, then I escaped when his back was turned. His grandparents are always grateful but something about this story reminds me of The Ransom of Red Chief. I'm afraid that at some point they might try to make me keep him.