Thursday, May 17, 2007

Still Cloudy

but no great damage to the fish yet. The koi (which are first responders to diminished oxygen levels) were still close to the surface when I last looked, but not freaking out. I ran the waterfall and sprinkler all day and some kind of balance was established but that will end tonight and there will be hundreds of fish gasping for air by morning. I hate the oxygen inversion situation times of year, but we have learned how to manage it better each year. As my sister said, I'm so glad we convinced Bill to stop the feeding and supplemental oxygenation. (If only we could convince him to stop what appears to be some kind of weird geriatric lawn mower madness. He uses the mower all day long to move himself and his projects around his yard and shop which is a good idea, but several times a week he also lowers the blades and spends an hour or so plowing up parts of the yard, and shredding water hoses, electrical cord, toys and trash. He absolutely refuses to lift the blades so that they only mow the grass. It's just weird.)

It's raining right now and I hope the sun comes out tomorrow.