making a total of two and four-tenths inches over a three day period. The prairies will explode with life in a few days.
My yard now smells great in the early morning, especially after rain, fog or heavy dew, and this is a completely new thing. I noticed it starting last year and it is amplified this year. The plains in general have no native fragrant flowering plants, and except for the oilfield and farm and ranching generated odors (including roadkill), no native smells. For most of my life I never bothered to interfere with that natural state of things but a few years ago I started working on the pond landscaping, then on my yard since it was right there, and now more than just the visual is maturing. The most noticeable smell is pine, and to have been completely neglected for ten or fifteen years those trees put out a tremendously nice fragrance. Mixed with that are traces of the different herbs growing in the breezeway, plus, this morning some of the roses were out and I could also detect them. I have always had the best luck and generally inadvertently end up with the perfect situation.
My sister just called and said that she can see a duck playing (hunting?) in the pond. If I go over there all I will see will be a duck leaving the pond.