Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And Yet Another Beautiful Day

This morning when I was walking around the pond I noticed that the gopher is back. I am out of mint oil, so I freaked out for a minute, then remembered that Southeast corner of the berm is being eaten by a mint plant, quite possibly the best source of mint oil. I pulled a bundle of mint and carefully removed and crushed all of the leaves and then stuffed them in the gopher's hole. That felt so good that I decided to do more and at the same time clean out all of the mint from around the little pine tree. Which I did, except I just stuffed those in the hole whole, and then packed them in with a stick. At some point during that event I realized that I don't like the mint plant anyway and decided to put all of it in the gopher's den because it is just as annoying as the gopher. What started out as a little sprig and has become an obnoxious usurper in the past five years and it is possibly even stunting the pine tree. Anyway, I have spent my day attacking a gopher with allergens.

The pond is starting to look great and the children love it but for some reason I can't post pictures tonight.