Sunday, January 29, 2006

Almost Midnight

It seems that I'm completely out of touch with medicine, especially the having babies part. A couple of days ago Cashmere asked if I would take her to the hospical at 6 am tomorrow so they can induce labor. It just happens to be my only day off and I told her okay, then spent yesterday and part of today arranging Monday. I have a lot to do so my thoughts were - get up at 5 am, take her to the hospital, and, although I really didn't have a specific time frame for the birth, I was figuring that all of it would be finished fairly quickly and I would just wait around and probably bring her back home by noon. (Why not? Heart surgery patients are out the next day. Or did I make that up?) I saw her today when she was making sure that I would be ready by six, and asked if we would be back by noon. She started laughing and told me that it would take while, maybe even a couple of days, and I could leave after she was checked in. Also, her husband will show up when he gets off work. I hope she doesn't go into labor on the way. Even I question my competence.