Thursday, August 18, 2005

Thursday Evening

Another beautiful day. I have no idea how this place looked when I was young, but the plains look better than any time since I've started paying attention. I absolutely did not want to walk today but can't disappoint Kilo. As usual, once I started, I walked much farther than I do when I want to walk. Afterwards I feel as if I've subconsciously reprimanded myself for contemplating being lazy. We are supposed to get rain any minute now, but meanwhile the Fall sky is an incredible blue - depth with promise. The walking path is kind of strange lately. For the past 10 years I have walked there frequently, and I've walked there almost every day since Kilo came to live with me close to 3 years ago. Occasionally I can tell that someone else has been there, but only rarely until this summer. Now, it's obvious to even me that something is going on. I've still never seen anyone out there, but they have a sign (driving range), a sprinkler system, the huge pasture is being mowed regularly, and someone is leaving trash in the parking area - all sure signs of some sort of progress. My other clue is that I used to find old license plates (1/4 mile of the path was U.S. 380 about 70 years ago) and now I sometimes find golfballs. I've never been around golf people before. I hope we can be friends.