Saturday, February 11, 2006

"Too Much Ain't Enough"

A friend called the other night and said, "enough with the clouds already". Okay then. Just to please you and because there weren't any clouds yesterday or today. It's significantly colder today, but a few sprigs of green are already starting to break through. The chives are starting, the Italian parsley never really left, but is greener now, and some kind of local flower that my mom semi-domesticated has green leaves at its base. I haven't seen a fish in months and the pond is congested with a dark soupy algae. My last attack on gopherville might have taken, but they are tricky devils. The last time must have just made them sick for a few days, then they got mad.

Camron was wandering around the pond by himself and asked me to play frisbee. A video would have been so great - he learned to throw and catch in one setting. I showed him how to hold the frisbee and explained how to snap the wrist for spin. He got both instantly, then he caught one for the first time. After a few minutes we had a fairly nice game (as opposed to neither of us ever catching a single toss).