Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Curse of the Slime Monster

For the past two days Camron and I have been stalking a Slime Monster around the pond. Yesterday morning when he got up to ride his bike he found evidence of a slime-out all around the entrance to the pond. There was slime on a tree, slime on his skateboard, and slime on his beach sculpture. I was busy when he brought this information to me, but I told him to get a notebook and keep a log of evidence. Since he can't use the camera I suggested that he draw pictures of what he found. While I was gone yesterday afternoon he collected a lot of evidence, and used it to create a warning poster for other kids in the neighborhood (there are none, but he has dreams).

In case there is someone out there unfamiliar with police procedure (or quality drawings), the first two objects are the trees that were slimed. The third article is his skateboard and the fourth is his sculpture. The last one is what he thinks a Slime Monster probably looks like. He wants me to make copies of this so he can tack them on telephone poles and maybe give one to the Mayor in case she wants to tell the Governor about it. I asked him what is so terrible about Slime Monsters, and oozing slime on toys seems to be their biggest flaw - they have no arms and legs, very little personality, and only come out at night. Also, this particular one just might have been trying to steal his sculpture. It's obvious to Camron that it was holding his sculpture and trying to make a quick getaway on his skateboard (through the grass) when it ran into a couple of trees. Maybe more on this later, but for now he is lurking at my gate (the kid, not the monster - or maybe?).