Saturday, May 28, 2005


It started raining last night about 11:30 and hasn't completely stopped yet. I probably won't get around to mowing and weed-eating today. Also, I was carrying some tools and the camera into the house earlier and dropped the camera on the concrete and it doesn't work now. I'll try new batteries (and check the oil?) but if that doesn't fix it, I'll have to start drawing pictures. Cashmere should be moved in to her house by Sunday and maybe I can occasionally use her camera - she has several jobs and a seriously demanding child and husband depending on her, so she doesn't get a lot of time for photography. Besides, maybe the scenery will get a chance to change some from post to post.

I checked my gauge about 12:15 PM and had 7/10", and it is still raining lightly. I don't think that anyone expected a single drop of moisture this summer since we got about 5 years worth of our usual share last year. The philosophy isn't still as prevalent, but my parents and most of my friend's parents firmly believed that you will ultimately suffer for any good thing that you experience or any pleasurable thing that you indulge in, (and as I get older I realize that their uncontrollable, pleasure seeking, "show me where the good things are" children were their best evidence), but if they were alive now I can imagine them saying "It'll never rain again. We got too much at one time and we're going to pay for it". I'm not that suspicious but it is odd. Why is a desert suddenly getting so much water? Then again, it'll probably never rain again after today.