Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Beating the Heat

Buddy and Guy spend a good part of the Summer in Phoenix and the pavement and sidewalks are so hot that it hurts Buddy's feet to walk on them so he doesn't want to go out, ever. Yesterday Guy bought him a set of Muttluks, and wasn't sure how that would work out for a dog that eventually eats everything, but he put them on as soon as they left the store. Buddy could tell the difference immediately, and although he walked sort of strangely for a while, he completely appreciates them and didn't try to take them off. Guy said that the panhandlers in the parking lot weren't very impressed ("I can barely afford wine and you buy shoes for your dog!"), but an elderly woman came over to him and said "you are a nice father." That was nice no matter what she might have thought Buddy was.