Saturday, May 21, 2005

First 100 degree day of 2005

Guy and Buddy are here and it is bath day for the dogs. Buddy loves water and is so enthusiastic about a bath that he is actually difficult to bathe. Kilo hates water and stands rigid and sullen through the whole easy (for me) process. Strange. Also strange that the neighbors with those "passed off as dogs, but barely not rats" for companions still refer to these lovable creatures as Bloody and Kujo.

Last week in Texas a man was on trial for using duct tape to tape his dog's mouth closed because it wouldn't quit barking. The dog had to be killed because it was so damaged from not being able to drink water, eat, or pant to regulate body temperature, and the man was convicted and sentenced to two years. The odd thing about the situation was his wife and family explaining to the press how much he loves dogs.

I woke up late and didn't get out until 10 AM and by then it was too hot to walk but Kilo will harrass me all day if we don't. I have finally realized that when it is too hot for me, it is very uncomfortable for her, and she doesn't really want to walk two miles, she is just pressing the spirit of the event. If I put her halter and leash on and take her anywhere outside of the yard for a few minutes, she is fine for the day. We circled the pond and watched two 3-5 inch catfish skimming the top. It's odd how all of the sizes stick together, and sort of a statement about the process or remaining alive - we tend to hang out with those who don't see us as easy food.