Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A Different Sort of Plant

Bill read about the tomato tree in some magazine and planned for it all Winter. He ordered seeds in February, germinated them, and then carefully nourished them through March and April. The two seeds cost $14.00 and he was expecting to have to change nursery containers every couple of days but they must have been saving themselves for later on because on May 8, they were about 2 inches tall, one had three leaves, and one had four. I planted them in the garden space two days ago, and one died as soon as I put it in the ground. The other (the small plant in the upper center of the following photo) lost two of it's three leaves and looks defeated. Maybe we'll be surprised any day now but I don't think so. The inexpensive plants, approximately the same age, are now 10-12 inches tall and have blooms. I hate it when a good experiment goes bad.