Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Still Nothing Done

I could be accused of being lazy. And it would be a cruel accusation, but probably true. I hate that. I don't like being accused at all, but find it much easier to endure accusations that are totally unfounded.

I am too lazy to cut those 2" pipes with a hacksaw. I did have a dream that I might, and tried for a few minutes. And it now appears that I am too lazy to even cut them with a saws-all and metal cutting blade (? I think that's what Bill called it, and he assured me it would slide right through metal like a hot knife through butter) . Not true and there aren't enough years left in my life to find out how long it really would take. As Bill and I were arguing my brother cut in and said he would bring the torch from his shop and cut them. He does have one, so I almost believe that could happen. Meanwhile we have re-routed the water and the waterfall structure is now a rapidly decaying relic until I can get those pipes out of the way.

The dragonflies and damselflies are extraordinary. The delicate luminous blue ones are back but this year the large orange ones are more numerous.