Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday in May

Incredibly beautiful day, especially the early morning and late afternoon. I am honestly stunned. The birds are so thick and varied and during the day they appear to be grazing on my lawn. I'm starting to be able to differentiate between some of the small mostly grey birds that have been lumped together up until now. The ring-necked doves are very strange. They move around in pairs, and prefer their water out of the dogs dishes. They are not afraid of my presence, and are barely cautious about Kilo. She rarely chases them anymore and they rummage through my yard like chickens. Noticed again yesterday how the red-winged blackbirds use the red spots on their wings as big scary eyes. I was in the swing and one flew toward me, then landed near and vibrated his wing-eyes for a few seconds, then started catching bugs. Here I'm just guessing. They might be eating grass seeds or worms.