Thursday, April 28, 2005

Garden 2005

Well, I was such a bully that I got to plant what I wanted in my neighbor's garden. No carrots or sunflower plants, but the end result isn't any more (personally) appetizing than they were. I went to the nursery and chose plants that looked good. I ended up with tomatoes, long green chili, eggplant, broccoli, bell pepper, and red cabbage.

The wind was strong today and kind of energy sapping. As I felt it drain me through the evening, I had a memory of walking to grade school through 30-40 MPH sustained wind with gusts to 55 MPH. If only there had been a deep blanket of snow to break my falls. Also have decided that one negative consequence of the wettest year ever, has been an influx of pollen, spores and other potential allergens that none of the native people have ever encountered before. Nearly everyone in the area has experienced a strange type of respiratory distress this spring and it's probably related to the new plants that we are seeing (and maybe many that we aren't seeing).

Buddy and Guy are passing through on their way to Dallas and Buddy is excited to be back in his yard. We had an intense game of frisbee and now he is resting. And by the way Ron, Kilo's new frisbee never made an appearance. She only brought out frisbee parts when we were playing earlier (as you know, a long time ago I gave up trying to select which toy we play with). Anyway, she lays in the yard with the new one while I work next door, and carries it around a lot, but has shown no interest in actually chasing it.