Sunday, December 17, 2006

Intelligent Koi

They obviously are. They were waiting at the feeding ring this morning so I fed them. They are actually beautiful fish but I have seriously resented their invading the pond and have captured and given away great numbers of them. That's sort of a lie because they are really hard to catch but I have captured a few. I started out not liking them because they are an invader nuisance once they become established in ponds or lakes that provide edible fish (perch, catfish, etc.). I only know rumors that Koi are inedible, but I know for sure that these catfish are since the thought of eating one of them doesn't appeal to me or anyone who has access to the pond. Nobody eats them (maybe we shouldn't have given them names).

Another beautiful day in the mid 70's again but a cold front is supposed to move in tonight